Why should I talk to my Father?

I didn't talk to my dad. I thought my father does not love me, does not care about me just because he is very strict
You are also the one who don't talk with their parents?. I did the same. Didn't talk with my parents.. for me family was not important I felt I didn't get enough love from them and blamed them for whatever I was going through and I guess they did the same.

Then I realized family's importance. (Long story)

But still talking to my dad was impossible. He's the kind of dad that talks only a few words and is very strict.

But I knew I wanted to be friends with him (something very impossible because no one dared to stand in front of him or talk eye to eye to him).

I broke the ice, started small then it grew to jokes and all (for example, when he fasts I'd joke about how tasty the dinner was because I knew he couldn't eat during his fast)

Then eventually he started reciprocating and now he jokes and talks with me like a friend.

Everyone in the house is surprised but I know I did the work to build that rapport.

Remember #1, with love you can change anyone.. even a stone can melt and dads aren't stones they are like coconuts hard on the outside and soft in the inside.

Remember #2, no dad is wrong. They just have different POV and different perspective to things. The core aim is always about hoping good for you or the family.

Remember #3, even if you have differences, even if you think he isn't right at certain things, in life you let go of so many things and then he is your father.

Make use of the time you have with him. You'll for sure repent afterwards.

It may seem odd to go and talk, egos will be there but for 1 day forget everything and go talk... Things will ease out afterwards.

I feel lazy typing all these but I did it because this topic is important for me and I don't want you to repent for something that you can control right now.

Lastly one quote that changed my perspective towards this relationship is:

A child thinks his father is a hero in the beginning and then at teenage he thinks his father is the biggest fool in the world and by the time he realizes he was wrong he already has a son who thinks his father is a fool.
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