5 Tips to Protect Skin from Tanning

(1) Skin Needs To Be Protected From Tanning

As the summer starts, we have the highest tension of tanning. In the summer, sunlight can damage our skin so that our skin starts to scorch. We used to take care of skin when skin becomes tan. If we already take care of the skin, then the problem of tanning can be avoided.We can protect our skin from being damaged. Let's find out some similar tips to avoid skin tanning in the summer.

(2) Tomatoes

We often do a lot to avoid tanning, but once we go to the kitchen of our house, we can get a better solution to this problem. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which can help in preventing tanning. So before starting to lose your glow due to tanning in these summer days, start applying tomato on your face. For this, apply tomato juice on your face once daily and wash it with cold water after 20 minutes.

(3) Lemons and Ripe Banana

Lemon contains ascorbic acid which is beneficial to avoid tanning. For this, you should have to add glycerin to the lemon and put it on your face. It will be very beneficial for your face. Take a ripe banana piece and rub it on your face for 15 minutes. After this wash the face with cold water, it will clear your face. Applying a piece of ripe papaya on your face and it will remain glowing in the summer too.

(4) Drink water

Water is very useful in maintaining balance in our body. Water is also important for our skin moisture and nutrition so that you should drink at least three to four liters of water in a day and should eat fruits rich in Vitamin C.

(5) Eating antioxidant foods

Although we should eat fruits in every season, to avoid training, we should regularly consume more juice in the beginning of the summer. Besides green vegetables should be consumed as it contains plenty of antioxidants. It is found that these diets work like internal sunscreen and protect our skin from being damaged.
You can use these easy tips to protect your skin from tan. We hope it will help you to remain beautiful in this summer.
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